New magic battle RPG that Square Enix release! !
2021年7月/31日(土)をもちまして、64bit端末での配信を終了いたします。サービスを終了いたしました。長らくのご愛顧いただきありがとうございました。オフライン版として以下の機能を実装したアプリを公開しました。・カードコレクション※一部除く・コミュ機能・イベントバトル・ストーリー閲覧・プレイヤー実績閲覧・ローディング画面表示切り替え・撮影会 など ---■動作確認済端末一覧はこちら↓Android 4.4以上 ※一部の端末に関しては、上記バージョン以上でも正しく動作しない可能性があります。 OS 6.0以降、当アプリ起動中に以下の2項目について同意を求められる仕様となっております。・通話の発信と管理・連絡先へのアクセスプッシュ通知を受信するためには上記2項目を許諾する必要があります。拒否した場合、プッシュ通知の受信はできなくなりますが、ゲームプレイは通常通り行うことができます。また、拒否した場合でも、ご使用端末の設定画面から再設定を行うことができます。---スクウェア・エニックスが放つ新作の魔法バトルRPG! 大人気小説『魔法科高校の劣等生』に新たな波乱が巻き起こる! メインシナリオは原作・佐島 勤氏が監修!電撃文庫の大人気小説『魔法科高校の劣等生』に新たな波乱が巻き起こる!メインシナリオは『魔法科高校の劣等生』の原作・佐島 勤氏監修のオリジナルストーリーが展開。オリジナルキャラクターとして、兄(プレイヤー)を心から慕う“零乃まやか(CV:内田真礼)”が登場!お馴染みの魔法科キャラクターたちと共に、白熱の魔法バトルを繰り広げろ!◆◇◆ストーリー◆◇◆西暦2095年――国立魔法大学付属第一高校に転入を許された“零乃”の姓を持つ男とその妹“まやか”。過去に禁忌の魔法技術研究に手を染めたことで歴史から抹消された零乃を含む“零家”。秘密裏に研究を続けていた零家は、稀有な系統外魔法“術師増幅(マギカ・ブースター)”を会得する。まやかの兄は過去の零家の失墜を乗り越え、術師増幅の有用性を検証するため第一高校に編入し、達也や深雪たちと行動を共にすることになる。しかし、彼らが持つ特異な能力ゆえに、零乃兄妹を狙って様々な陰謀が画策されていた。編入早々から第一高校の仲間たちと共闘し、絆を深めていく彼らの戦いが幕を開ける。◆◇◆ゲーム紹介◆◇◆▼シンプル操作で展開する迫力の魔法バトル行動ゲージが溜まったキャラをタップして魔法攻撃!複数のキャラを連続してタップすると、連携数に応じてダメージがアップ!「SPECIAL」ゲージが溜まっている状態で攻撃可能なキャラをフリックすれば、強力な必殺技が発動!▼魔法科キャラクター×C.A.R.D(カード)個性豊かな魔法科キャラに、属性やスキルなど異なる能力を持つ「C.A.R.D」をセット。任務ごとに有効な戦略を立ててバトルに挑もう。「C.A.R.D」によってはコスチュームチェンジができるものもアリ!▼仲間との絆を深めるコミュニケーション達也や深雪など、魔法科キャラたちとコミュニケーションを重ねて、キャラ自身の育成を計ろう!!親密な仲を築いていくと、原作では珍しい(?)ハーレム展開が発生することも!?As of July 31, 2021 (Saturday), distribution on 64-bit terminals will end.The service has ended.Thank you for your patronage for a long time.We have released an application that implements the following functions as an offline version.・ Card collection * Except for some・ Community function・ Event battle・ Story browsing・ View player achievements・ Switching the loading screen display・ Photo session, etc.---■ Click here for a list of confirmed devices ↓Android 4.4 and above* For some terminals, it may not work properly even with the above version or higher. Android OS 6.0, the specifications are such that consent is required for the following two items while this application is running.・ Calling and managing calls・ Access to contactsIn order to receive push notifications, you need to grant the above two items.If you decline, you will not be able to receive push notifications, but you will be able to play the game as usual.Even if you refuse, you can reset it from the setting screen of your terminal.---A new magical battle RPG released by Square Enix!A new upheaval occurs in the popular novel "The Irregular at Magic High School"! The main scenario is supervised by the original Tsutomu Sato!In the popular novel "The Irregular at Magic High School" by Dengeki BunkoA new turbulence will occur!The main scenario is "The Irregular at Magic High School"An original story supervised by Tsutomu Sato, the original story.As an original character, my brother (player)"Mayaka Reno (CV: Maaya Uchida)" that I admire from the bottom of my heart is here!With familiar magic charactersUnfold an incandescent magical battle!◆ ◇ ◆ Story ◆ ◇ ◆2095 ADI was allowed to move to the first high school attached to the National Magic UniversityA man with the surname "Reino" and his sister "Mayaka".By working on contraindicated magic technology research in the past"Rei family" including Reno who was erased from history.Rei, who has been secretly researching, is a rare extrasystem magic.Acquire "Magical Booster".Mayakas older brother overcame the fall of the Rei family in the past,Transferred to Daiichi High School to verify the usefulness of surgeon amplificationHe will act with Tatsuya and Miyuki.However, because of their unique abilities,Various plots were planned aiming at Reno brothers and sisters.From the beginning of the transfer, I fought with my friends at Daiichi High School,Their battle to deepen their ties begins.◆ ◇ ◆ Game introduction ◆ ◇ ◆▼ Powerful magic battle that develops with simple operationTap the character with the accumulated action gauge to make a magical attack!If you tap multiple characters in a row, the damage will increase according to the number of collaborations!If you flick a character that can attack while the "SPECIAL" gauge is accumulated, a powerful special move will be activated!▼ Magic character x C.A.R.D (card)A set of "C.A.R.D" with different abilities such as attributes and skills in a magical character with rich individuality.Develop an effective strategy for each mission and challenge the battle.Some "C.A.R.D" can change costumes!▼ Communication to deepen ties with friendsLets try to develop the characters themselves by communicating with magic characters such as Tatsuya and Miyuki! !!If you build an intimate relationship, a rare (?) Harlem development may occur in the original! ??Ver6.0.0更新内容・サービス終了に伴って一部機能を残したオフライン版を実装しました。 ただし、永続的な配信やサポートをお約束するものではございません。 配信期間や動作環境の制限がございますのであらかじめご了承ください。
The latest update seens to wipe out any previous saved game you had and gives you max stats and completed game across the board. Seems to have converted it into an offline version just so you can watch all the videos and only do a few boss battles. i.e. no farming to do. My guess is this is their way of ending this game's further development in light of the upcoming Season 2 of the anime. Action-wise it is lacking, but enjoyed it just to see the characters again, thanks dev team.
Nice game overall. But gacha rate for legend rare (LR) cards are horrible. Don't expect to get LR cards often. After playing for almost a year, I only got 1 LR as a free player. Even when i was paying for step up gacha with increased rates, i had to do minimum 6 to 7 steps to get a LR card. Not worth the money at all. This experience is not a one time spending. I did that several times for UR cards (the highest rarity in the past) and 3-4 times for LR cards now. Come to think of it, I really regretted doing so. My advise: Don't pay, just play free. At least u will not regret spending alot of money for LR cards which will obsolete quickly in months.
Mayumi is life Mayumi is love
Love it!!!!
Shizuku 😍
Update your Interface and Change your welcomeee scrennnnnnn!!!!!
演習室でバトルしようとすると必ず強制終了してしまいます…■Xperia A ■android4.2.2
Please add english language too please :)
I can't log in
I think there is a bug because I can not buy any gems.....